Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blog Closing Down

As most of you know, Lori and Beth are re-opening a new website that's more general discussion than what it was before. In lieu of that and with the lack of attention I've been able to give this blog, I am going to shut it down. Well not shut down but it won't be supported any longer.

For those interested the new website is called The Gotto

Please join most of us there


Friday, February 5, 2010

Women wins DGA Award and Nod for Oscar Director

I don't know if anyone has been following this but this year apparently a women for the first time has been taking award after award for the Best Picture Director award and for the first time in almost 80 years actually has a chance at winning the Best Picture award at the Academy Awards ths years.

This would not have even caught my interest had it not been for the drama teacher at Roberto Clemente High School(where I teach)had not mentioned it. I thought it was odd that it never happened but never thought much about it. Women have won many awards in Hollywood.

Well apparently true but not true. Yes they win awards for acting and costume design and once in a blue moon screenplay, but never Best Director or Picture. I wondered what the big deal was and it was finally explained to me. The director on a television show, on a film, in a play is the commander. They control casting, control who gets hired, and run the production. In effect they are almost like the COO of a corporation, managing and controlling all the tactical activities. And if the director is like a Scorsese, Spielberg, they are also the CEO controlling the vision for the project.

So apparently that's why it's such a big deal. The director, a woman named Kathyrn Bigelow was not someone I had really heard of. But apparently regardless of her sex, she is well respected and the ex-wife of Mr, Titanic and Mr. Avatar, James Cameron. I really had very little interest inthe film she directed, The Hurt Locker. I assumed from reading about it it was another film about explosions, shootings, war, etc. Another male centric film. But was willing to give it a shot

I actually watched the film at home with my loved one and admittedly was not awestruck. So I watched it again and it was after that viewing that I think I saw what folks were talking about it terms of realism, tragedy, and an honest film about the iraqi war with no poltical agendas. I don't know it's a film I'd recommend because it's a bit tragic and dark, not uplifting, but it is a thoughtful film and I have to respect the honestly in which it was told. No sugar coating, just realism. Sometimes I guess that's ok but me, I like to be carried away to fantasy and fun when I see a film. Or fully enbrace the story like I did with The Godfather, which while tragic in it's own way, had a compelling story of loyalty and family and was fairly self contained.

At the end of all of this, it still strikes me as strange women have such difficulty still getting ahead in Hollywood. But I guess I shouldn't watching how women get portrayed on screen. But this is something of a breakout year. As one who is approaching the 40 mark, it's refreshing to see Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, Helen Mirren being showcased in films versus the nymphettes normally shown(sorry ladies). I am sure next year will be different but for a change it's a bit encouraging.

I guess if Best Director is now won by a woman, that just adds another accomplishment to the list.

So maybe things are changing. I'd like to think so. We have had now 3 female supreme court justices, a woman run for president, a woman run for vice president, a woman secretary of state, an African American as president. Here in Chicago likely a women for Cook County Board President when, if you know Chicago politics, is a crack to the glass ceiling if there ever was one.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Roeder jury foreman: Abortion not jurors' concern in verdict

Roeder jury foreman: Abortion not jurors' concern in verdict


Authorities warn of scam targeting deaf persons Lawrence police seek help in hit and run Missouri inmate charged in 1993 KC rape Ray County prosecutor named Lee’s Summit man accused of killing his father National environmental group brings second lawsuit againt rail hub NBC Action Weather
Snow showers this evening, some sunshine Tuesday FBI urges caution in answering survey that targets senior citizens Two arrested during apparent burglary in Blue Springs KU and K-State climb in both polls Chiefs hire Emmitt Thomas as new secondary coach Four plead not guilty to rape charges in Mohler case Identity released of man fatally shot outside KC nightclub Parole denied for man who shot two KC police officers Price of Liberty bus pass increases Car fleeing police goes wrong way on I-70 KU's Aldrich wins Big 12 weekly award Man taken to hospital for evaluation following police standoff NBC Action Weather
Light snow showers possible Kansas man detained in Haiti ‘has a heart for kids’ In some people's minds, the abortion issue is forever entwined with Scott Roeder's killing of George Tiller.

But abortion never came up in jurors' brief deliberations Friday at the end of Roeder's trial, the jury foreman said in an interview Saturday with The Eagle.

"It was never spoken of," said the 54-year-old, whose first service as a juror came in a trial that drew reporters and activists on both sides of the abortion issue from coast to coast.

He said the jury discussed only the question of whether Roeder was guilty of first-degree murder for shooting Tiller while Tiller served as an usher in his Wichita church, and whether Roeder was guilty of aggravated assault for pointing a handgun at two people who tried to block his escape.

Because of security concerns, the juror asked that his name not be used. He said he didn't want to take any chances that someone might lash out against him.

The guilty verdict was unanimous from the beginning of the deliberations, he said.

"There wasn't much to argue about."

They found the evidence against Roeder "overwhelming."

That's why it took only 37 minutes to decide, he said.

For security during the trial, he said, jurors were picked up at an undisclosed location. Officers carefully checked vehicles used to transport them, passing mirrors underneath.

The measures reassured him.

"We never felt like we were in any danger."

He said he wanted to give "a big thank you" to Sedgwick County sheriff's officers and to District Judge Warren Wilbert, who presided over the trial.

"He was very passionate about our safety," the juror said of Wilbert. "He went to great lengths" to protect the jurors' identities.

As the trial moved forward, it became abundantly clear that Roeder was guilty, the juror said.

Roeder testified that he killed Tiller, a nationally known abortion provider, to prevent more abortions. Roeder and his attorneys hoped to build a defense based on the argument that Tiller's killing was done to prevent "imminent deaths" at Tiller's clinic. But Wilbert decided the jury would not be allowed to consider a verdict of voluntary manslaughter.

In the juror's mind, Roeder hurt himself with his testimony —"how he plotted this for a number of years." It showed premeditation, the juror said.

The evidence was solid, he said. "The trial was really based on cold, hard facts... undisputable facts."

He couldn't help watching Roeder, noting that throughout the trial Roeder never smiled, never reacted —"just kind of a blank look on his face, no matter what was said."

"I thought he was pretty cool, calm and collected... for a man who was going through what he was going through."

At times, the prosecutors' repetitious questioning got monotonous, he said. "But we hung in there pretty tough."

By the time defense lawyer Mark Rudy got to make his closing argument, the juror said, "You could see it in his face. He had nothing" with which to defend his client.

The jurors, as directed, did not discuss the case among themselves until they deliberated, he said. "It was a very professional setting back there in the jury room."

When deliberations began and it was time to pick a lead juror, he said, "There was a sense that no one really wanted to do it." So he volunteered.

The experience was sobering for the juror, who transports heavy construction equipment for a living.

"It's a hell of a thing... to send a man to prison for the rest of their life. That decision was taken very seriously."

Tiller's family released a statement Friday calling it a "just verdict." District Attorney Nola Foulston said prosecutors had fought hard to keep the jury from being allowed to consider a voluntary manslaughter verdict. Rudy said his case was hopeless after that option was disallowed.

By Friday afternoon, after the whole thing was over, the juror experienced a "weird, numb feeling."

He went home and took his mind away from the trial, brushing his horse, petting his dogs.

"That's all I pretty much wanted to do."