Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Post it. Chad Brannon back for 1 day to wrap up Rebecca. Could it be Zander and Emily alive somewhere. Kind of an F/U to NEm fans but at this point I don't care. It's about Natalia getting some respect on her way out.


Sonja said...

Hell noooooooo!

Zander Smith is dead dead dead. They can't take that away from me. His death was like a personal gift for me. Goddam you, Bobby! I still remember the love bullets shooting up his body. They can't take that from me...*sob*

Dam, are they going to piece the Corkster ashes together and bring her back. Dead should mean dead.

JJ is still LOVE!

Kate said...

Emily's dead too. I'd rather have an alive maybe Emily and Zander than Emily still dead dead too. They've killed off NEm for good at least give me maybe Emily happy and somewhere with someone who cares about her. Nikolas is such a pig at this moment does it matter.

Anonymous said...

WTF?! Please tell me this is some whacked Soap Dish rumor! I'm with you Sonja...Zander that loser is DEAD! I saw him riddled with bullets just as I saw Nikolas lose control of his car and crash. I swear I thought I couldn't hate Luza anymore than I already already did, but if this is true. Ughhh!!! I GIVE UP! **sobbing uncontrollably! My poor NikE!

Kate said...

Natalia's being fired by the show. At least they are not having her just fade away as Nikolas acts disgustingly, tells Liz he loves her, and Emily's just a distant memory.

I'm actually glad they are at least showing her character and the actress some respect by allowing Rebecca maybe Emily to leave the canvas with some fanfare and not just fading away which I thought may happen.

I personally am done worrying about poor poor Tyler and Nem. He sure doesn't care nor does he care about this fanbase so why not let Natty go out with a little respect.

Yeah I'm bitter still.

Lori said...

LOL Sonja!

I'm actually cool with it. Love bullets or not. Let Remily fly off ito the sunset with a guy who killed himself for her. It beats the alternative these days.

And hey, at this point if zombie-Courtney wants to put her ashes together with superglue and come back to make Cheeto's life even more of a hell, I'm all for it.

This show is WACK!

And yes, JJ is love. :-)

Kate said...

I am so with you Lori on this. I never hated Zander, in fact I liked ZEm until NEm came along. I thought he was a decent character and wasted in the end. And yeah how nice that they'd actually let Rebecca or whoever she is go off the show with the one guy who REALLY couldn't live without her.

And to me it's some show of respect for Natalia and some level of acknowledgement (not near enough) that they bungled her return to an extent and they are giving her (Natalia's)fans something good at the end to hold onto. She's not entirely getting the Greg treatment. And how cool they would bring back someone to the show for her even if only for 1 day.

How cool could this story had been if Rebecca was actually working with Zander(he was playing Ethan's role) in the story and we again saw "Rebecca" in love with him ending up torn between the 2 again versus that horrid Ethan.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

From SOW - TC Article

A good chunk of TC's article is about Nik telling Rebecca he's just not that into her and it's the start of her exit story and he acknowledges that it just didn't work having Natalia as a different character.

Also, according to him we're supposed to be seeing the physical attraction as so great between Niz that it's leading to an emotional connection. And that Liz's heart is fully with Lucky but a little part of it is with Nik.

Anonymous said...

Why did they bring back Natalia in the first place. Now they are going to kill her off again why couldn't they just let her leave. I hate Tyler he's definitly proven he cares about every pairing except Nem,I hate General Hospital hope they get canceled soon and I hope Natalia finally gets that big break in her career.

Kate said...

I feel my dislike for Tyler a lot now. He didn't want Nem back we know that. If they wanted Natalia back and to work with the same people, have her character take on Emily's life, she SHOULD have been Emily. They could have potentially told a similar story with her as Emily and I think fans would have embraced it.

He knows damn well why it didn't work. He again gets a new pairing and story and she again gets shown the door. And all the TCFF can suck it sorry. They can gloat and beam now that Nik is finally free of Emily and can move onto a new sleazy story.

He's approaching Tony Geary level's in his disrespect of a pairing and storylines that got him loads of screentime, emmy noms, and a level of popularity he hadn't had.

It's funny I watched a youtube video the other day of Tyler and Natalia in 2003 making an appearence on The View. And it's funny. Natalia got cheers and screams from the crowd. Him, the response was less lackluster.

I'm not trying to pit the 2 against each other, the actors would hate that. I just don't care for his cockiness.

I really don't care what Natalia does at this point as long as she continues to find happiness and success in her life.

I am glad Chad is returning to the show for her departure.

Lori said...

Hey! Tyler said "Rebecca" and "Natalia"! Yippidy Doo Frickin Da! Yeah, it didn't work having her as a new character. Here's where you can perform one of your awesome eye-rolls, Skippy. It's kind of hard for her NEW character to work out when tptb made her dress, talk and act like her old one. Imagine that, you giant bunch of f*cktards. And hey, maybe a little bit of advoacating on your part might have even helped salvage her job.

Eh, forget it. Keep on keepin' on with the old Niz love. I'm sure it will take off any day now. They'll be bigger than NEm, even. Go Albatross, GO!

*sips calming tea and takes some deep breaths*

Anonymous said...

GH is just stupid!! I was afraid when they brought Natalia back something like this would happen. There has not been a lot of successful "twin" storys on any soap. I hate that Natalia wasted her time but glad that she is out of the crapfest that is GH.
Soon enough Nikolas will be without a woman cause LL2 is the end game here. Let him milk some more cows!!!

Anonymous said...

Do we know for sure that Becca dies maybe Zander comes back to take her out of town ( like Laura and Scott)or maybe they were working together..But this is GH and they like to kill people off especially during a mob story. Natalia is going to be at the West of Brooklyn premiere in LA November 19 so are other GH actors. Why are they having a premiere if the movie is on DVD.. I really liked it.. Hopefully Natty will do more in the future.

Kate said...

I don't think Rebecca dies. I am going to guess she leaves town and perhaps runs into this guy who looks familiar.

They wasted no time finding something for TC to do when it was clear Rebecca was not working yet did NOTHING to fix her character. Maybe at that time it was pointless like Claudia, nothing they did with her worked.

I'm sorry Natty came back. So many on the message boards wanted Rebecca to be Emily and are hoping with Chad's return there is a glimmer of hope. Doubtful in my mind and I know we will never see the light of Emily Q on GH again. Sad.

Kate said...

SOW Interview Part 1

Nikolas sends Rebecca away but cannot stay away from Elizabeth himself this week. Tyler Christopher weighs in on the burdens of guilt and why Nikolas may be the world's worst dad.
WEEKLY: Elizabeth blasts Nikolas for not telling her that Luke knows about their affair. How does he respond?
CHRISTOPHER: His excuse is that he didn't want to use that as an excuse to have to call her or see her again. That's what he's *saying*, anyway, but I don't know how much people are going to read that as being the truth.

WEEKLY: But despite his protestations, he wants to be with her, right?
CHRISTOPHER: He absolutely wants to be with her; he wants to be with her every day But he's also trying the best he can to respect her wishes for him to stay away from her.

WEEKLY: So then he's going out of his way to avoid her?
CHRISTOPHER: Not at all. He's going out of his way *not*to avoid her. That's the struggle: He wants her so bad that he simply can't stay away from her, regardless of what the consequences are.

WEEKLY: What's he telling himself about this?
CHRISTOPHER: Well, "This is wrong." "This is my brother." 'How can I do this?* "This is not in my nature." "This is not who am." "I couldn't imagine ever doing this to anybody that I care about." But that's the conundrum: He is torn between his guilt, what he's doing to everybody and the possible unraveling of everything vs. how much he really cares about Elizabeth.

WEEKLY: Why does he decide to confess to Rebecca that he has been scamming her?
CHRISTOPHER: He makes it sound like it's because of Emily, but it's really about Elizabeth. I think that living one huge lie — being with Elizabeth — is enough. It's just too much for him to live another lie with Rebecca, so he has no choice but to let her go.

WEEKLY: Is this a weight off his shoulders?
CHRISTOPHER: Not really. That's one weight, but there's still another huge weight from the guilt of sleeping with his brother's wife-to-be.

WEEKLY: What about guilt for manipulating Rebecca?
CHRISTOPHER: I don't think he's got a whole lot of residual guilt about using Rebecca, given what her motive was coming onto the scene. They're kind of even.

Kate said...

SOW Interview Part 2

WEEKLY : How does she take the news?
CHRISTOPHER: Rebecca doesn't take it well, at all. He's more matter-of-fact about it, which is sad to say, just because he needs to get this out, get this over with. He doesn't feel anything for her, and it's causing way too many problems.

WEEKLY: Is this why Rebecca leaves town?
CHRISTOPHER: I think that's the beginning of it, yes.

WEEKLY: How do you feel about Natalia Livingston (Rebecca) leaving the show again?
CHRISTOPHER: Of course, I'm sad. We had such great success early on, when we started working with each other. I was sad when she wanted to leave the first time, so it's equally as sad that she wants to leave this time. But unfortunately, as we know, it doesn't always work when you try to bring back an actor playing a different character, For whatever reason, it just doesn't.

WEEKLY: Nik and Liz certainly seem to work. How do they end up making love again this week?
CHRISTOPHER: What we're trying to show is that the sexual attraction is so strong that they can't stay away from each other. But off of that attraction is spawning an emotional connection, a love-like connection. [He feels] like, "Now we're screwed:' Every time they're in the same room together, all they want is to be with each other.

WEEKLY: Does she feel the same way?
CHRISTOPHER: Right now, I think her whole heart is with Lucky, but part of it is still tugging on Nikolas.

WEEKLY: Does Nik hope this relationship is going somewhere?
CHRISTOPHER: Oh, absolutely! He's fully committed, in every way

WEEKLY: Does no part of him think he's fooling himself?
CHRISTOPHER: No, I don't think so, at all. He's put his guard completely down at this point. All things considered, he has stopped apologizing for what he's doing

WEEKLY: Where is Spencer while all of this is going on?
CHRISTOPHER: It's kind of a running joke around the set that Nik is, like, the world's worst father. That he just passed him off to the nanny and said, "F-- it, whatever happens, happens!" I don't know why that is. He's one of the only characters on the show that doesn't realty have his son involved in his story Nobody really knows where Spencer is half the time! I think he's just hanging out with [Cameron and Jake] sometimes.

Lori said...

He speaks! So much wrong with that and so little time...

I'm glad they at least attempted to address the Rebecca angle of the story. I think I may faint from the effort made, actually.

I'll just say that I am looking forward to it being over.

Thanks for sharing that, Kate.

Sandra said...

Yeah, Tyler. Nik is the world's worst something like you said "fuck it".


Maybe this guy has always been an arrogant ass and I never noticed it before?

Beth said...

So, let me see if I can sum up Ty-Ty's interview here...

"Yeah, Natalia's leaving, and it's a bummer. But hey, shit happens! Let's talk about Niz and their forbidden love!"

EFF YOU, TYLER!!!!! Let's see how much "shit happens" statements you can make in six months when you're back to playing with your gargoyles for entertainment, you hack!

I'm DESPISING him right now.

*deep breath*

Okay, this Zander thing. I can imagine three scenarios. One, Zander's alive, realizes Rebecca is Emily, and takes off with her (which would tie into what Chad's tweet said). Two, Becca dies and Zander escorts her to heaven, which makes no sense whatsoever since Becca and Zander didn't know each other. Or three, Chad's playing a random guy Becca meets in an airport bar, or something, and they go off together, which would tie in with official GH statement about it being a "wink" to the audience. The last one is more than likely the scenario, but I'm going to enjoy seeing Chad again, whatever the circumstances. And I grudgingly give GH a tiny little bit of credit for not making Natty's exit an afterthought, like her entire run was this time.

And I still think it's funny that Chad coming on for one day managed to upstage this Niz shit. HA!

Sonja, you and Nikolla are cracking me up with the Zander hate! My thinking is that Z will be quite aerodynamic at this point, what with all the holes in him. ;)

Beth said...

Sandra, I think his arrogance has grown with his pants size. *whistling*

Lori said...

Here's what SD is saying about CB's return:

Okay okay okay, loveys, so this is what I'mahearing. Rebecca dies during a Franco shootout. We see her in heaven, and there she walks by Zander. Zander does a double-take, then gets that ****-eating grin that only our boysy boy Zander can make, and he approaches her. he hands her a drink (they're at some all-white heaven bar, it's veddy pretty) and says, "Hey. I'm Zander. And you are...?" Then Emily walks up and totally busts him (ZEm are "together" in heaven, it's made clear).

Big Bird's Kid Sister

Sandra said...

I just can't stand the thought of this guy. He comes off as righteous and ungrateful. He should remember his only Emmy nominations came working across of Natalia.

I'm glad she far away from him...both professionally and personally. She deserves much better.

And I can't wait until JJ steals everything away on the show. You know it's already happening...and Ty-Ty can take his own number at the unemployment line. His cast members will be "sad" he's leaving, but hey...that stuff happens, right? Maybe the TFF (EEEE! He's the bestest eva!) will send him Weight Watchers gift certificates and some Rogaine as a GH parting gift?

Oh yeah, it's all coming out right about now. It's on.

Lori said...

LOL Sandra!

*passes out "ZEM-4-Eva" T-shirts with coordinating "JJ eats TyTy's Lunch" Pins*

Kate said...

Lori. Someone on SZ already admitted they made up that ish about Zander.

I'm just pleased as punch Natalia is getting acknowledged here..

And Tyler was actually very cordial in his words about her in the interview. He's pimping his current story I get that. It doesn't mean I don't think he's an arrogant egotisical prick like most actors. Natalia and Greg to me were the true exceptions. Genuineness and class all the way.

And WTF is he fooling with his interview. Natalia chose to leave yet the character didn't work. Go drink your kool-aid somewhere else asshat. I would rather he not said a thing about her or just said I wish her all the best personally and professionally. When she left last time, I thought he was very considerate and made some nice remarks. This time he could care less

Beth said...

OMG Sandra, I've never hearted you as much as I heart you right now. *MWAH*

*putting in order for T-shirt, and wants the JJ statement in neon pink*

Beth said...

He was respectful in his comments, but he just comes off as not really giving a damn. I'm sorry, but I'll say it - does he not realize what side his bread was buttered on? He achieved a level of popularity this time around BECAUSE HE WAS IN A VERY POPULAR PAIRING, not for any special thrilling acting he did. And he looks like an ungrateful douchebag being so cavalier about it at this point. You look around, at least online these days, and there's not a lot of support for him or Nikolas. Being with Emily gave him what he has at this point. A little, I don't know, acknowledgement would be nice.

Kate said...

Acting? He didn't win an emmy did he? Don't get me wrong, there have been moments he's really brought it on. I thought he did amazing work in the amnesia story. I think when Natalia left the first time, as crappy as the ending of the story was, the last few months he gave it his all.

But good acting rarely translates to great success whether its a soap, movies, TV,etc.

I'm actually happy for Natalia. Happy she's getting out for good. Pleased they are actually giving her exit from the show some actualy thought. I think this news for me about Chad coming back put any desire I have to see she and Tyler ever work together again kaput. I'm actually happy for ZEm fans because I think they are going to get a nice send off for their couple here. And Tyler should be happy because that "OFFICIALLY" closes the door on Emily for Nikolas. I don't like Natalia being the sacrificial lamb but honestly why would I want her on a show that doesn't value her beyond Tyler. Answer is I wouldn't.

Sandra said...

I can't argue that he can be a good actor when he wants to be. However, I won't miss those scenes when he phones it in.

Interestingly enough, Natalia won her Emmy based on scenes taped with Chad. Although I didn't like ZEm, I appreciate how well done those final scenes were between the two.

Kate said...

I won't dish Tyler's acting. I think he can when he wants to problem is these days he like most rarely seem to bring it on. I think Chad is a good actor always have and I always felt Natalia acted better with him but had the better chemistry with Tyler. Those cabin scenes with she and Chad were wonderful and powerful. I'm not sure aside from the rape stuff she actually got anything near as close as that. She had some good moments during the MC Crisis but not enough IMO.

Lori said...

NEm fans got the best of Tyler back in 03 and 04. It's like night and day when you watch those old clips and compare them to his work today. He was on fire back then - and he looked HOT, to boot. Not only that, but wardrobe knew how to dress the man back then. WTF is he wearing these days? That damn blazer and either a black or white shirt depending on the day. It's lame. HE'S lame. Nemmies got his best and whatever is going on now can go to the Nizzers or the TFF's. I barely care anymore except that I want to see his character suffer greatly by way of total irrelevance.

Anonymous said...

OMG... You guys are hilarious. I just hope Rebecca doesn't die and she walks off with Zander who's not really dead and kind of leaves the viewers wondering WTH!NEM will always be soulmates(unless Guza tries to rewrite history) but right now anything is better than Nik.
Really Tyler? You are going to miss Natalia you act like you didn't give a damn about her return I mean seriouly you never showed up in the scenes. Go ahead and enjoy your Nik and the Brother Banger Pairing it won't last to long and then who are you going to run to..
Natalia run and don't look back this if you see Guza on the caller ID...erase..

Cheryl said...

You guys make me laugh!! Thanks!!!

Sandra said...

Man, I haven't talked about ZEm in sooo long. Chad and Natalia worked well together, but I felt more of a brother/sister vibe. Their close off the set, so I guess that makes sense. Chad is good peeps though. I think he fits in a Natalia/Greg type category.

I can't believe we are even talking about Zander. This all seems sooo weird.

Kate said...

Chad was kind of Natty's mentor when she first came to GH and showed her the ropes. I loved ZEm with AT and really enjoyed them initially with NL. I actually kind of liked Natty's Emily when she first started. She had some of Ambers fiestyness, yelling at Tracey, slapping Faith and threatening her, getting embroiled in some the Q nonsense, arguing with AJ. Had Emily stayed like that, I think their ZEm could have worked but then we had the magic of Nikolas and Emily that took over and the rest is history.