"I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it."
Charles Schultz
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Signs of PMS are: Everyone around you has an attitude problem, you're adding chocolate chips to your cheese omelet, the dryer has shrunk every last pair of your jeans, your husband is suddenly agreeing to everything you say, you're using your cellular phone to dial up every bumper sticker that says, 'How's my driving? Call 1 800 ****"**.', you're convinced there's a God and he's male, you're counting down the days until menopause, the ibuprofen bottle is empty and you bought it yesterday.
This was posted on Chad's twitter..
chadbrannon: By the way, Correction: ABC Publicity said my air date for General Hospital will actually be Dec. 22, Merry Christmas!
So I guess Natalia will be on until the end of December. It's not like they show her anyways. Today Nik tells Becca the truth. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't show her again until the week of her last episode. Hopefully this means Becca will be stirring up some crazy sh*t for Nik and Liz before she leaves.
The least this suckfeast can do is let Natty leave with a BANG!!!!
Still feeling puny, and my second mom Lori convinced me to stay home, so home I shall stay!
This was on SD:
Nikolas and Emily fans will get one final goodbye. NL's last tape date is Nov 19th. She will be making her final appearence on GH as Emily, a vision/ghost to Nikolas just before Christmas. She and Nikolas will discuss their life together and his current life. "Emily" will encourage him to be honest with those he loves and to move on and be happy and to live his life with honor.
I hope with all my soul this isn't true, because personally I don't want any more Nik/Em scenes. I'm perfectly happy leaving it with Becca and Chad's character. And since Tyler can't be bothered to bring it anymore, I'd rather not see him. But I suppose we'll see.
Good Morning!! Hope everyone is having a great "hump" day. I have been to the gym and then to tan this morning. Yes, I know its winter but I just feel better when I am tan.
I was reading on GHH that Chad is going to be playing another character not Zander. I guess we will see what happens.
As for the Emily "ghost" thing, I don't even have the words.
Have a good day everyone!!
One final goodbye?
Oh wow. Golly gee. We are, oh, so lucky.
Uhm just no. This has to be bullshit. Sounds like if it's true, she's again being used as a Nikolas prop. Wonderful
I don't want another goodbye. We've had enough of those. NEm are over. That dude in the blazer isn't Emily's Nikolas. The absolute LAST thing I want to see is Em's "ghost" tell fauxNikolas to love Liz with his whole heart. Bitches! Just say NO!
Chad won't be Zander? Then what's the point?
Today's scenes with Rebecca and Nik were lackluster. I hope she lets him have it tomorrow.
We don't know if Chad is Zander or not no one has said it's just speculation.
The way TC described the Rebecca scenes was alot diff then how they played out. He talked as if Nik was gong to be callous. It was all very anticlimatic IMO. TC isn't even putting any effort into scenes with Natty anymore IMO.
He didn't seem callous - but whatever he WAS, it was just lost on me. After all this time, I still don't understand why he didn't break up with her sooner. I don't think Nikolas even knows - he was trying to explain it, but wasn't doing a very good job of it. Do the writers even know? I think Nik said something about Rebecca being "convenient".
Yeah, there's a Prince for ya.
These are from "The Boss" at SD (supposedly reliable):
Lucky asks Nik for advice about his engagement to Elizabeth
Lucky encouraged Rebecca to go back to Nik, when she trys to seduce Nik, he rejects her
Rebecca sees Nik and Liz together and decides to use it to her advantage
Lackluster...thanks Lori. I could not think of the word to used but that goes so well with Tyler and the kind of acting he has been doing. I am so disappointed in that. He seems to be at GH for the paycheck and that's about it. I hate the Niz SL but I think I could tolerate it if we got more from him.
I'm also not sure how I feel about JJ being back either. Greg I think had become Lucky to me and its almost like the role has outgrown JJ. I still think hes a good actor and his scenes with Luke are 100 percent better than anything GV got with and from TG, but something is missing for me. Oh well I won't be watching anyway.
And by the way Natalia looked stunning today. Too bad its wasted on this show.
In terms of acting, it seems all the actors have become lazy. And why bother no one will fire SBu, MB, TC, IR, TG no matter what they do.
My only hope if Natty actually gets screen time is Rebecca finds out, tapes them together, blackmails Nik and gets millions from him in return for the tapes, gets the money and turns the tape over to Lucky anyway, meets "Zander" who was her co-conspitator all along and they whisk off to Europe together.
Beth and I were talking about Seve's three expressions today. Steve used to kick ass and be very into his scenes. What happened? And it's not just him. Overall, with the exception of JJ, there is a decided lack of energy by most of the male leads. Everyone's on quaaludes or something. Tyler at least has a variety of facial expressions (plus the patented eyeroll) but always looks like, if given the choice, he'd rather take a nap. Everyone mumbles, including JJ. Where's the fire? It's like no one cares.
It's kind of unfair I guess to pick on TC only. IA. I think the men on this show, especially those who have been around for years are pretty lethargical. TG for me has been the one for the past few years who has stood out. He's turned into a hammy OTT actor. I never realized how truly old his schtick is. Yeah he's a daytime icon and legend., Luke is one of a kind, but he's Luke. He couldn't make Bill eckert work and he also couldn't make it outside of daytime IMO because of his lack of abiity to create "someone else". Mo I think when the show became the Sonny hour has become lazy and dull. Ingo I have no idea what he does. He can't seem to play emotional layers. Steve yeah used to be kick ass. The actresses seem to work 100 times harder than the actors do and even then then have challenges at times too.
I just don't feel these actors care that much anymore. The new ones, the actor wh plays Dante seems enthusiastic
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