Thursday, November 19, 2009


Post it ladies.


Kate said...

School is good. I am still really adjusting to being back but the kids have been awesome, hard to believe. it kind of helps I am teaching 2 precalc classes which is an elective and 3 algebra which are all freshman.

The moms have been great looking after the baby. We are changing the schedule a bit. Tim will be dropping Emily off at my moms on the way to work and me picking her up and I am dropping her up at his moms and picking her up there.

Beth said...

Is Emily happy with her arrangement? I bet she is considering she's got both grandmas to spoil her! :)

OMG, you teach precalc and algebra. Bless you. Just, bless you. ;) I think If I attempted to remember that stuff at this point, my head would explode.

Good morning, peeps!

Lori said...

Morning all.
T-day "feast" in my 4th graders class today. Should be interesting. :-)

B, you feeling better?

Kate, I'm happy to hear that things are going well. We all know transitions are never easy, but it sounds like things are pretty smooth sailing for you guys. Thank goodness for grandmas!

Beth said...

I am feeling better, thank you. :) Maybe it was just my body trying to tell me something. I didn't know it hated me, however.

Cheryl said...

Good Morning!!
I went to the gym, library and am heading out to say "Happy Birthday" to a dear friend. I love being on vacation!! I get a little bored sometimes but I am enjoying my time.
Glad to hear you are feeling better Beth. Kate, it is great that you have the Grandma's to watch Emily. It is so hard to find someone to trust your little one with and there is nothing better than Grandma's love!
Have a good day ladies!!

Beth said...

I'm jealous, Cheryl! How long is your vacay?

Cheryl said...

I don't go back to work till the Monday after Thanksgiving. This time is very quiet at work so I take advantage. I usually take the whole month of November off and then some days in December. My January is already booked so I have to enjoy this.
I travel all the time in the summer so being home is great for me!

Beth said...

Lucky! Enjoy, dear!

Uhm, okay, I KNOW I shouldn't even bother, but dammit, now I want to watch. The first clip is the usual mob hijinks/gunplay, but the second, now, there's some potential there...

For any "Lost" fans, the chick with Franco played Naomi on Lost. :)

Lori said...

Ahhh Naomi. I actually do plan to watch the Franco stuff.

Anyone read this article? Found it posted at SZ.
It's harsh, but so right on the money.