Thursday, November 5, 2009



Kate said...

Yesterday went to doctor with the baby. She has an ear infection it appears.

Getting prepared for return to school next week. Have a meeting tomorrow with the sub who has been running the class while I've been gone.

LOL to all the peeps here.

Beth said...

From this week's SOW:

"An article with JJ talking about the deep love of Liz and Lucky and how them having sex is more of a story beat than a scene to show Liz is in love with Lucky. Oh also, this is after she's already boffed Nik again and Lucky's given her a ring. Then he and Nik convene at Emily's tomb where he proceeds to tell Nik all of this."

LOVE how Emily wasn't worth crap when she was alive, but damn it all, she's GOLD as a corpse! GAH!!!!!

I know I'm supposed to be letting this go, but grrrr...

Kate said...

Natty isn't good enough to stay on, Emily wasn't good enought alive. I wish they'd quit using Emily and her memory to prop this crap.

What's the point of them having this dialogue at Emily's tomb?

Beth said...

Probably to make Nikolas stop looking like the selfish pig he is. Good luck with that, GH. He and Liz will probably feck each other in front of her tomb.

Beth said...

And I read that Laura Wright tweeted she just sign ANOTHER contract for ANOTHER four years. This show needs an enema.

Lori said...

Our poor NEm. That is all.

*pouts like a baby*

Kate said...

But this is good for Natalia right. I mean they asked her back to the show. They must have really wanted her. I can't even take that comment seriously anymore

I am so so so fricking bitter - sorry if I offended anyone.

Beth said...

It's good for Natalia that she's GONE. GOOOOOONE. AWAY!!! FLY!!!!!

Let Ty-Ty deal with the ish, since he's so damned popular.

And you KNOW you're not offending me. I'm in the bitter barn too.

Sandra said...

LOL at the "Ty Ty" comment. That was great!

I was flipping channels the other day and caught him on the 5th grade game show. I'm Canadian and even I knew that Wyoming was the first US state to allow women to vote...poor Ty Ty.

Beth said...
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Sandra said...
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Sandra said...

Oh biting my tongue right now....

Kate said...

Sandra girl no holding back.

I don't care who reads this anymore. I am pissed still especially seeing the Emily tomb spoilers. WTF using Emily and her memory as a prop. I am pissed beyond belief. Yet Emily is not a good enough character to return. Bite me Guza

Beth said...

Uh, whoops, I deleted my comment by mistake. Well, at least I know what the orange B does now. *whistling*

Lori said...

I'm thinking we jumped ship just in time, people. Niz closet humping at the hosptial just may be a new low. And yesterday they killed off Claudia with an ax at the hands of a teenager. Awesome stuff! Our girl only got strangled and shot. So there's a good thought...

Kate said...

They killed off Claudia with an Axe really? Guza really loves his bloodbath. No doubt in my mind Rebecca's going to lose it over Nik and Liz and end up getting killed off. Elimates Natalia ever returning again hopefully.

Sandra said...

Well...Ty Ty is getting what he wanted. I hope he likes it :)

Kate said...

Better believe he's getting it and good. I hope JJ eats the floor up with him in the acting dept. Shouldn't be difficult these days. And why doesn't he take any responsibility for the Nik and Rebecca debacle. Natty takes all of it again. well they treated SBr pretty crappy too.

Kate said...

And why is Ethan sticking around? someone explain that to me.

Sandra said...

Tyler's lackies will never let him take the fall. He is the bestest actor eva, the bestest looking and the bestest everything.

However, Natalia has a nice crutch she can use for her support: her Emmy Award.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Can I just say that I Uber Love all my Ladies?! YOU ROCK! Running into the Bitter Barn with Bethy and Kate. Lori, are you in here too? :) Ty-Ty? LOVE IT! Hee Hee! Face it...his minions of freakish foolish fan girls are SCARY! At this point they should be begging him to keep his DAMN shirt on! Yo Porky...**Nikolla throws bag of cheetos at his big inflated...oh no I didn't get an Emmy, head! Hee Hee...our girl has her pretty broken Emmy, because she Fabulous in every way possible!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Can I just say that I Uber Love all my Ladies?! YOU ROCK! Running into the Bitter Barn with Bethy and Kate. Lori, are you in here too? :) Ty-Ty? LOVE IT! Hee Hee! Face it...his minions of freakish foolish fan girls are SCARY! At this point they should be begging him to keep his DAMN shirt on! Yo Porky...**Nikolla throws bag of cheetos at his big inflated...oh no I didn't get an Emmy, head! Hee Hee...our girl has her pretty broken Emmy, because she Fabulous in every way possible!

Kate said...
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Kate said...

I don't want to sound like I am blaming Tyler. It's not his fault the show fired Natalia. But what I can blame him for is a lackluster effort in the last couple of months working with Natty. He seemed into it at first and then after about 2 months, he seemed to lose interest and die out. And Natalia seemed to loose footing with who Rebecca really was, was that by show direction, asking her to tone down her performance, or by choice.

But let's face it she was put in a no win situation. All we kept hearing was how she is NOT EMILY yet every connection, situation, dialogue she had reeked of Emily. So how could Rebecca have ever measured up to this beloved character. IN the end, pairing her with Tyler was like death to her character.

And in the end Rebecca never was even given another chance. And while I know many say she was asked by the show to return, did she really know what the story was and how things would play out. In the end, what did she gain? A years worth of pay and maybe a hard lesson.

Diane said...

My friend Diana a GH fan send this letter to the mags and to GH.

I wanted to speak out regarding Natalia Livingston's announced exit from General Hospital. I have been an avid watcher of General Hospital for years and I left when Emily exited the show and was excited to return to the show when Natalia was returning. Her return was hyped and publicized by GH and ABCD and Bob Guza the headwriter of the show, bragged about having a big story in the works for her return.

What happened? All we ended up seeing was Natalia, as Rebecca, paired with the same acting partner, acting out the same stories, with Emily references all over every scene, piece of dialogue, and interaction her character had. Rather than make fans accept the new character, all it did was validate to fans that Rebecca was mearly a cheap subsitute for Emily and yearn even more for Emily to be returned from the dead or for Rebecca to at some point be revealed to be the much beloved Emily.

It is obvious Bob Guza never had a story or plan for Natalia's return and over time, even the actors involved in the story, particularly Tyler, appeared to be bored and lackluster and just wanted the story to conclude. It was probably for the best as it was not working but what resulted was one half of the pairing being moved onto a new storyline while the other half was not seen as been worthy of being used elsewhere on the canvas, resulting in Natalia's soon to be exit from the show.

Actors come and go on soaps all the time, but in this case the actress seemed to put her trust and faith in an Executive Producer and Head Writer, that had little clue and ultimately little interest in establishing her character outside of the box they wanted her in. And once that box closed, she became dispensable and they lost interest. I call foul on Jill Phelps and Robert Guza for this and feel in some way the show should own up to their actions.

In the end I do believe it will be better for Natalia. While I believe she adores GH and the people she works with, I imagine she learned a valuable lesson from this experience which will help her to be more astute in future projects she undertakes.

Diana Compelli
Cincinatti, Ohio

Beth said...

Tell Diana she has my undying appreciation for that letter!