Monday, December 7, 2009


"Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall."

So we put up our Christmas Tree this weekend. Actually 2 of them. Our neighbor gave us anothee tree they were going to get rid of and it's a white artificial prelit tree. Now mind you, our main tree is real, a frasier fir which is beautiful and fragrant. Anyway we were skeptical bec ause neither of us has ever had a white tree. Low and behold it's beautiful. I bought some inexpensive read and green ormanent bulbs for it and that's all we did for decorating it and it looks very pretty. It's in the family room area where the main tree is in the living room.

I admit to having not been in the holiday spirit so much but this changed things a bit. Next is Baking next weekend. A bit later than normal but I'll be headed over to mom's for that. Mom who does very little cooking at all these days aside from cookies for xmas.


Beth said...

Well, I put up a wreath and bought two Yankee Candles in Xmas scents. There's the extent of my decorating! I also baked this weekend - made a cranberry bread that turned out well, and toasted some walnuts and cashew in olive oil and a few spices. Very tasty!

Good morning!

Lori said...

Look at B getting all festive! I still want to see a tree up at some point, missy.

Kate, it sounds lovely! I'm getting there - trying to juggle birthdays and christmas and all that goes with it. Sort of tearing my hair out this weekend - but maybe things will calm down this week a little.

Did anyone watch the LL2 or NIz scenes from Friday?

I just watched them. :-)

Boy, Niz just gets better and better. But I kept wondering WTF Liz was doing in her scenes with Lucky. I think she's lost her damn mind. JJ is still love.

And yes, I realize I am an island with my watching that crap. But I had to see Rebecca's reaction when she caught Niz doing the nasty. And boy, was it nasty. And slurpy. And smacky. Ew.

Have a good day, everyone!

Beth said...

Tree, schmee. I'm done with the decoratin'! ;)

I didn't watch the Nix stuff, because ew, but I got the gist of it, and it tickles me because they look worse and worse everyday. Liz announcing that Nik was the only man to ever flick her Bic was a hoot, as well as her announcement that she "doesn't initiate sex." Er, ask those 25,000 steps you climbed up to boff Jason about that. I bet they'd disagree! But whatever. Natalia's about free, and so am I! :)

Kate said...

I find it pretty comical that JJ's return and the Franco stuff has really done zip for ratings. Funny. I never felt Franco would do a darn thing. Many folks I know don't even have a clue who he is. This show acted like he's George Clooney or Tom Cruise. IMO he's more like am Edward Norton was. Good actor, respected, does a lot of indie stuff, but not mainstream enough at this point.

And poor JJ. I assume most who returned for his return have probably tuned out after watching the repulsiveness of this story, Personally any excitement over JJ's return and memories of better stories and characters on this show has been crapped on with this storyline. Of course I am sure the onliners know better than me.

Read a rumor about Natalia having signed up with Loreal to do some hair commercials. I have no idea if this is just more fanfic or not.

Kate said...

Hey can folks posting here send me your addresses? I'd like to send out cards and some cookies next week. Mom and I and my sister in law usually make a ton of cookies to give away.

email is

Kate said...

Last comment

Meryl Streep is an acting goddess. A romantic comedy at 60 fecking years old. THis women never ever stops and it's a testament that the steroitypical Hollywood bimbo slut image is crap.

Beth said...

I'll send you my address if you'll send me yours! ;) Thanks, Kate!

Watching the tiny bit of Natty on last week, I was struck by how beautiful her hair looks, so she's a perfect match for a hair commercial, IMO.

And I'm getting Julie and Julia from Netflix tomorrow, and I absolutely can't wait to get it. Also can't wait to see It's Complicated. I have a girl crush on Meryl!

Kate said...

Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock are my heroines in movies today. Both of these women have bucked the establishment in their popularity. Sandra is 45 years old and is now headed on her second film this year that's going to go over the 250 million mark in sales. That is amazing if you ask me considering she had NO big male box office draws in either film. While I don't think she's a great actress, she has sort of an ordinary everywomen charm and appeal about her that I honestly can't explain. She's just likable and charming on screen. And I find her much more appealing than I ever found Julia Roberts.

Meryl Streep. Well this woman goes on and on and on. You will love Julie and Julia if you love Meryl. She's truly awesomeness in the movie. And I have seen some clips and promos for her new romantic comedy. She's absolutely gorgeous. And 60 fecking years old people. I love her because she's not afraid to look however she needs to to sell a role. I watched her in Doubt and her character was pretty unappealng but somehow she sold it.

Kate said...

OMG People I was reading serial drama and they actually loved Natalia today. I may have to tune in to watch the scenes they are referring to.

I think watching Natalia play out some crazy assed bitch pent on revenge against a couple no one really actually likes is going to be interesting. And they actually give Natty major props for this. Good for them

Beth said...

HEE!!! Here you go! Natty was fan-frickin'-tastic today! That last scene RULES!!! HEE!!!!

Kate said...

Anyone think she's conveying as part of this her own feelings about her tenure on GH this go around?

Cheryl said...

Good Morning...
Hope that everyone had a good Monday. I was traveling, have a week of meetings. I am ready for some sunshine!
I usually don't put up a tree at my apartment, its only me and I don't spend the holidays there. My friends give me a hard time about it but I just don't feel the need. I do have some decorations around the house.
I have not watched GH from yesterday yet, I am just having a hard time making myself care about it anymore.
I am still hearing that Chad is not coming back as Zander. Wonder who he will be?
Have a great day!!

Cheryl said...

Good Morning...
Hope that everyone had a good Monday. I was traveling, have a week of meetings. I am ready for some sunshine!
I usually don't put up a tree at my apartment, its only me and I don't spend the holidays there. My friends give me a hard time about it but I just don't feel the need. I do have some decorations around the house.
I have not watched GH from yesterday yet, I am just having a hard time making myself care about it anymore.
I am still hearing that Chad is not coming back as Zander. Wonder who he will be?
Have a great day!!

Kate said...


I hear you, YEars back when I was living alone and traveling a lot the same thing. I didn't do much decoratings. Not until I bought my townhome and settled in a bit more. SO I can understand. And back then I spent most of my Christmas time at my parents, my friends or with other family so it barely seemed worth it. Usually a table top tree MAYBE and a poinsettia for the table.

As far as CHad, no clue but I never thought he'd really be back as Zander although I'd like it and it would probably be some lookalike.

After yesterday, it's criminal how Natalia was wasted all these months. That was how her character should have been written all along. Bitchy and a little bat shit crazy almost like Annie on AMC. What a fucking waste that like Claudia, it took that long to figure out how to do it. I hope Natty had fun her last couple of weeks. I sure did enjoy watching her.

Beth said...

Oh Cheryl, I'm the exact same way. I live by myself and I never feel the need to decorate because, well, it's only me. I spend Xmas away from my place anyway, so I hear ya! I am trying a little more, but these things take time.

Oh, and I definitely don't recommend watching the whole show, but I would definitely watch Natty's last scene when Becca comes to Liz's house. Natty was fantastic in it, and it was fun to watch. Amazingly, most people around the 'net really enjoyed it.

I really hope this was Natty's subtle way of thumbing it to this show. I really do. She's so much better than the material she was given, and she needs to thumb her nose at them for their shabby treatment of her. Of course, she'll do it in her own classy way.

Kate said...

Hey Beth the fact that Natalia has said NOTHING made no formal stmt or anything speaks volumes to be. Last go around she was complementing everyone to the sun about her gratitude etc. This time not a blip. Maybe she figures better to say nothiing at all at this point.

Kate said...

I personally want to see a couple of scenes with Natty and Tyler and see Rebecca spewing venom all over him. Maybe there might be some genuine feeling there. Oh wait I forgot. it's just business.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday's Natalia was amazing I laughed my ass off at the last scene with Becca and Liz. This is who Becca should have been all this time.GO Rebecca..

Nik just earned another mark on my hate list for him. He actually told Liz he has never felt this way before..REALLY!!!

I hope Becca goes off on Nik this time a little pay back for how he spoke to her a couple of months ago..


Kate said...

Well ATWT has been cancelled. One more soap down the tubes. I can't believe that leaves only 6 left. Natty and Greg are better off. It's sad because I think (not sure) ATWT tried the same thing Days did and allegedly the writing was better but it doesn't appear CBS was much interested. I think in all fairness to Days, NBC has promoted the show in primetime and given the show time to find it's footing again. Not sure if ATWT was afforded that. But the powers at ATWT should have seen the writing after what happened to GL.

It's sad. You can slowly see the end of an era here.

On another note, I've been kind of trying to follow what's going on with a couple of the web soaps. Crystal Chappell's new one called Venice in particular. They are settng them up as 10 minute episodes. With Venice, I watched the first installment and thought while visually appealing it was nothing. I think it's setup to appeal to the Otalia fans and since I never followed them it made little sense to me. Crystal Chappell though does still have that star quality

Beth said...

Yep, it's "just business." No need to feel sorry for Natty or anything. I'm willing to bet those "just business" people would be pulling their hair out if a certain other actor got unceremoniously dumped like Natty did.

And Nik saying he's never felt this way before - I swear I think they give him that line everytime some new POA comes into his line of sight. It really doesn't mean anything anymore.

And ATWT - what a shame. GL was the beginning, and I think it's just a slippery slope from here. ABC soaps will probably be the last ones standing since they're owned by ABC, but I'd say their days are numbered. Only remains to be seen if they actually try to improve and make themselves a viable market, or if they just continue the status quo and let them go under. My thinking is the latter.

Kate said...

I think soaps are gone in 5 years but who knows. Both Y&R and B&B supposedly have tons of international support and revenue and allegedly can stick around even if they were dead last and/or cancelled due to their overseas revenue.

I think OLTL is going next. They numbers have not improved even though they are probably the best of the 3 in terms of quality. Quality rarely translates to longevity on TV these days. Plus OLTL is not being upped to HD. Personally I would love to know what's so appealing about AMC over OLTL I think it's more of a Frons preference than having anything to do with numbers.

Since I could care less about Nik or Tyler these days, I really honestly don't care what he spews out. I kind of actually hope this whole hit and run thing with Rebecca turns out to be a con run by she and "Zander" and they milk the cash and head out of town.

As I watched Rebecca yesterday, hell she was snarky and fun. imagine had they written her character that way from the beginning. Snarky, jaded, cynical and hurt. It could have been so much fun. At least I hope Natty had some fun wrapping this up towards the end of her tenure. She was brilliant. And I want to see Rebecca lay into Nikolas too like I never ever got to see Emily do after Nik cheated on her.

Lori said...

ATWT is canceled?? Well, crap. *sniff* They better not touch OLTL. I actually watch that from time to time. And David Vickers!
I wish SoapNet had the funding to produce these shows on their own without the big networks behind them. It would be exclusive content, so maybe ratings would be better. I actually think that streaming them online and allowing youtube to put up content hurts their ratings. People don't need to tune into the show when it actually airs. Still, I sort of WANT to see GH get cancelled. POS show. I'm evil.

Natty was FAB yesterday. I agree - the show should have made her like that more often. I like her vibe with Ethan. Damn it. There's so much she could do. I hope she lets Liz have it and goes out in a blaze of glory. Hee!

Nikolas can suck it. What a douche bag.

Lori said...

"I've never know anything like this before."

Oh F*ck You, Nikolas.

You worthless, pompous, lying, cheating, eye rolling, sweat dripping, cheeto eating, dress shirt wearing, wife poaching, shoulda-let-the-brain-tumor-kill-you Prince Wanker!

Kate said...

You know what I find funny, All this to give Tyler/Nik something different but this Nikolas ain't any differnt than the other Nikolas aside from being a scuzbucket. He's still all gaga over the girl. Where's that new direction for Nikolas Tyler? Don't see it.

And Natty. I actually loved the fact that they've moved her away from the wilted wallflower she's been the last couple of months. And I actually really liked her scenes with Ethan yesterday. They interacted as genuine friends(not lovers) and I loved how she called him sweetie and he offered to bash Nik's head in. She's the one being afforded the chance to FINALLY do something differnt and kudos to her. For some reason I just think this Zander lookalike or whoever is going to play into this story as some sort of con partner for Rebecca. Just a feeling, And what a way to go. I think aside from her being Emily and sticking it to the 2 whores, I'd like to see her going out like that.

Kate said...

Lori do you really care. Nikolas has become like Sonny. Every love is the greatest. I remember the crap he spewed with Courtney too. Don't care. And somewhere inside me this is what I think the show was going for with Rebecca. Nikolas completely detached from Emily, Good. WHo wants this douche even mentioning her name again.

Kate said...

Not to belabor the point, but I prefer Nikolas never speak of Emily again. Let Tyler have his new pairng and hope he's happy.

Lori said...

Do I really care?

Thankfully, not much. But I really don't think they need to insert dialogue like that into the Niz scenes. Even with Emily aside, it's still a total bulshit line. Mostly I think I just don't want them even mentioning or alluding to Emily again... ever.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Chad pic and story about his appearence. He looks really great

And can I say I find certain fans bitter because Natalia's Rebecca looks awesome, people love her now that she's not stuck with boreass Nikolas and calling Liz. Oh and they claim Natty couldn't pull off edgy. Problem was she was never edgy. The Rebecca we are seeing now is NOT edgy. She's hurt and lashing out and a little bonkers. Maybe had they written her THAT way versus months of sucking up to boreass Nikolas, we might be seeing a diff outcome.

I'm happy Natty got these 2 days worth of scenes to shine in. I have no idea how the rest will pan out but today was another day of awesomeness from her. I said months ago they should have done a crazy Annie ala AMC with her and this is it. And then turned her into a real schemer like they have with Annie.

Beth said...

Yeah, apparently Natty got the chance to let Becca rip Liz a new one today. She got to call Liz and Nik sex-obsessed pigs. Hee!!!! GO NATTY!!!

Beth said...

Okay, that picture of Natty and Chad on EW puts a huge grin on my face. :)

Kate said...

Aren;t they pretty. I never thought he would be Zander but it does bring back memories of when they worked together. And while I will always be a NEm fan, I really liked the character of Zander and I liked Chad. It's kind of melancholy but it's nice they actually gave some thought to her departure and at least are giving her some decent material her last couple of weeks on the show. Too bad they couldn't do right for her the past few months.

ANd you know it will be interesting to see this triangle play out without a 4th involved. I always felt part of the INTEREST of Liz and Jason if you can call it that was Sam's involvement as the scorned woman. I thought it helped the storyline. Without her all we would have had was Jiz making googoo eyes at each other and Lucky being a sap.

Kate said...

OMG these scenes are awesome.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

I find it amusing that certain "people" are pissed off because Rebecca scored 2 good days of stuff and it didn;t involve St. Tyler. LMAO.

Just a note, I always have enjoyed Becky and Natalia working together. I have always felt they worked well together. But it's funny to me how people have a real need to point out how bad they thing someone is because it doesn't involve their precious fave.

And by the way any of those geniuses who are reading this. She's not playing edgy now. She's playing a scorned woman. Bold, Cynical, hurt, and a bit unhinged. No comparison to how Rebecca was played early on when they had her kissing Nikolas's arse from the beginning.

I'm not surprised they have given her decent material finally that she's leaving. They did the same thing with Sarah Brown.

Beth said...

OMG Kate, I was coming on to say the exact same thing! I find it HIGHLY amusing how pissy "certain" people get whenever Natty gets any kind of positive attention. Hey, guess what? Natty is fine all on her own. She doesn't need your precious Ty-Ty to help her, thankyouverymuch.

Those scenes yesterday were CLASSIC. It's as though some writer had been reading SZ, SD, and elsewhere and took exactly what people had been saying about Nik and Liz and put it in Becca's mouth, and Natty pulled it off beautifully.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

None of my favorite scenes since she's been back have involved Mr. Wonderful. The stuff I have enjoyed has primarily involved John Ingle and Jane Elliott and actually Becky. It's really odd how much I enjoyed she and Ethan the other day also. It was actually a pretty enjoyable scene and both came off really entertaining together for perhaps the first time. I actually have not minded her scenes with JJ either. And I think these scenes with Becky indicate why a new character should NEVER be a lead and should be worked around the canvas.

And Tyler is getting such great material with Becky. LMAO like nothing. I am enjoying it at least for the time being. After Natty's gone I won't care anyway.

Kate said...

I think it's funny when a character becomes pretty liked when they become the voice of the audience which I think is what happened with Rebecca. I also think her portrayal was pretty awesome.

But I also think while Liz may be a popular character, I think the audience has tired of her character getting whitewashed perhaps more than any other. Heck Sam, Maxie, and Carly have all had to take their lumps over the years for their misdeads. Hell they even had Emily apologzing to Nikolas for not getting over her rape quickly enough. But Liz? It's why I detest the character so so so much. IMO her only redemption as a character may be to have her groveling to Lucky after he finds out and hopefully shuts her out.

Lori said...

Hee! Natty is love!

Those scenes almost make the last few weeks of GH worth it!

Seeing Rebecca take down Liz like that was a thing of sheer beauty.

I'm so glad that she gets a moment or two before she leaves to really shine. She deserves it.

Kate said...

Man I'll just bet we never get a scene of Rebecca laying into Nikolas because he of course is the poor sap SHE took advantage of. Not the man who is betraying the brother he supposedly loves.

I loved her laying into Liz but this show is so hypocritical when it comes to this stuff. Same thing with Sam and Jason. She never really got the chance to lay into him either.

Beth said...

A silly thing, but SN's website has put out their best couples of the decade, and NEm made it. Just thought it'd be nice to remember then when we they were golden and we didn't hate one-half of them with a fiery white-hot passion. Or that just might be me...

Kate said...

Don't let Tyler hear this. I doubt he'd be happy NEm was on that list.

Interesting how NEm is and LL2 is not. But I'd have to clearly say that S&C, Jasam, Scrubs, and NEm were probably the it couples on this show for the decade.

The other thing that makes me happy. No Jiz.

Kate said...

Uhm none of the great Becky herbst's pairings, you know the chemistry magnet she is, made that list

But why the heck is Spixie on that list. Good lord.

Sandra said...

To see them there...made me smile. They really were beautiful :)

Thanks for sharing the link!

Lori said...

Awww - I'm glad NEm made the list. They were fabulous!

Kate said...

Can I say what a douchebag Bob Guza is. He was asked about Chad's one day appearence and here's what he said.

Luza CLAIMS he loves Natty

He wanted to give her a nice decent sendoff off the show.

He realizes there are a lot of fans of the Zander and Emily characters and wanted to play something(really Guza is that why you killed them off hatefully)?

So Chad eturn is a tease to the audience. He and REmily meet on a plane and strike up a conversation.

Could Zander and Emily's dopplegangers end up romantically connected?

You figure it out.

I really detest this idiot. I'm really glad he doesn't love me.

Lori said...

Aaaand that ends up being even lamer than I imagined it could be. How typical of Guza to do the weakest, least creative and least interesting option from his palette of choices. What a winner.

And yeah. I feel sooooo much love for Natty and Chad and their fans with it. Makes me all warm and tingly inside just thinking about it.

Two rootless characters (yet, pointedly NOT their beloved counterparts) meeting on a plane and striking up a conversation. I'm all aflutter.


Kate said...

Well it's Guza and I am SOO not shocked. Regardless I'll still like seeing them on screen together regardless.

And I can't believe people are still claiming how Rebecca is being written the same way she was when NL came. Did Rebecca all of a sudden now become edgy? No. Maybe they need to focus their attention on why their beloved fave looks like he's still sleepwalking through half his scenes.