Friday, October 30, 2009


Welcome to the new NOT PARAPET Blog. We are here to continue those connections and friendships we have made over the years but now we can talk and share about just anything. Frustrations with your job, the state of current events, joy over your kids(or not), any old thing. And I suppose if you must, you are allowed to talk about General Hospital(*gasp) but be warned,we are trying to wean ourselves away it. So share share share to your hearts content.

And bear with me. I will continue to make revisions to this blog over the next few weeks so don't be shocked to see things here evolve.

Peace to all of you


Lori said...

It's beautiful, Kate! I love the colors. This will be a wonderful alternative and a great way to keep our connections. Thanks for doing this. I was sad about closing down the Parapet - but knew it was inevitable one day. Just didn't expect it to be so soon.
Thanks again for giving us a lovely place to be.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome Kate!! Thanks so much for putting it together. I did not a lot at the Parapet but logged on almost everyday and love reading the posts. They always made me smile!! So happy not to be losing that. I am going to make a effort to post on this blog!!


Lori said...

Well it's all shut down. *cries*
I know it's the right thing, but damn it sucks.

Kate said...

Awww. We'll all come here and bond. It's the start of a new chapter.

Anonymous said...

I click on my shortcut this morning and it made me sad but I am glad we are going to stay "together" here.

Anonymous said...

This is a nice place Kate so happy to be here.. I didn't realize how much I would miss the Parapet but at least we have another place to hang out.
